ADH DAKHLIYAH有八個行政區,被視為海岸與內陸的貿易中心。本區有許多昔日保護沙漠旅行商隊的城堡和瞭望台,一座十七世紀的城堡象徵著光榮輝煌的過去。尼日瓦這個貿易之都素有「回教世界的珍珠」之稱,吸引旅客的有山光水色、手工藝品、歷史情懷及優美的景緻等。行政中心達希立亞備有地方性大型醫院、學校及大學等等。從首都馬斯開特到尼日瓦僅需2小時車程,舒適豪華的旅館就座落於景色優美的山麓中。
The Dakhliyah region, in the Interior of the Sultanate, plays a great historical role in the coming of Islam to Oman. At the heart of the region lies the wilayat of Nizwa, which was a sanctuary for scholars and jurists, and a stronghold for powerful leaders. Nizwa has been deemed the 'Pearl of Islam' due to its restoration of the Islamic beliefs to the country, its seats of Islamic learning and its schools of Islamic jurisprudence. From the adjacent wilayat of Sumail, Mazin bin Ghaduba, the Companion of the Prophet Mohammed, (Peace Be Upon Him) travelled to Mecca to embrace Islam. There are eight wilayats forming the Dakhliyah region.